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Reunion 2006 - Las Vegas, NV

Writer's picture: USSGAUSSGA

Dear Shipmates,

The 2006 Las Vegas reunion was our best attended ever. Many new faces joined the regulars in a town that offers just about anything you want, anytime you want it. Everyone had a great time making new friends and rekindling old friendships.

Each of our reunions have been “well done” and provided a good time for all. It appears the 2007 Nashville reunion will continue that fine tradition.

Jack Maguire, Zelt Dunbar and Chip Chapin are working hard to plan an active and fun filled week. Please check the reunion link for updates on activities and events.

No trip to Nashville would be complete without a trip to the Grand Old Opry. It is an add-on attraction to the reunion and there are details also on the reunion link.

However, if you have ever considered coming to the reunion and were just waiting for some true inspiration, well here it is.

Admiral Michael J. Mullen, Chief of Naval Operations and more importantly, former Captain of the Goldsborough, will be our guest speaker for the Thursday night banquet and auction. The auction is always a treat, but with this distinguished and very honored guest, it should indeed be a very special occasion. One you really need to be there for. What a unique privilege for our association to be able to host an event with a speaker of such national, international and naval importance. The Vanderbilt Navy ROTC is scheduled to provide the honor guard for the Admiral.

Please make every effort to join your shipmates in remembering our past, celebrating our friendships, and honoring the role we played in the service to our country.

Pat Taylor, President


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